Sunday, October 17, 2010

I am going to get pregnant dammit!

Next week I go see a new infertility doc. I hope I like him better than the last one, even though he's in the same hospital and the same office.  I've heard nothing but good things about him though. I have so many questions for him.  I got some disturbing news Friday before I left work.  I had them do some blood work (FSH & TSH) for me last week just to see what my FSH was since I haven't had it done in a year and it was free. Turns out my FSH which was 16 last year came back as 21!  Now, for those of you who don't understand what this means, it's very bad.  Anything over 13 isn't good, meaning my ovarian reserve is extremely low. I cried, thinking there is no way I'm going to get pregnant now! But, I'm trying to wait until I talk with the new doc about all of this. I know the number can fluctuate and should be taken on cycle day 3, (it was taken mid-cycle) so I'm hoping that is the reason it was so high.  There are also so many other tests and variables. I wanted to start trying next month, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.  I am so ready to start again. I feel like I'm in a much different place than before. I am determined to get pregnant dammit! I no longer have a fear of being pregnant either. This is what I want and I'm going to get it...


kylee Rowden said...

LOL I love the new attitude... it's a very positive one for you:)

Unknown said...

That's the attitude you need to have. This is WAR baby!!

Grrr....go Mama!