Saturday, December 31, 2011

What a year

If there is one thing I keep hearing people say is that this year has been a year for many life changes. It is so true in my life as well.  It's a little overwhelming when I really think about it.  2011 started off on a sad note. C's step father passed away on New Years Day.  He is greatly missed and I so wish he could have met Sophia, but I think he looks after her. He is her guardian angel.  Some other changes in my life this past year:

This was happening in my belly!
I'm still in awe sometimes when I think about getting pregnant. It was such a crazy, amazing and often difficult experience, but I'd do it again and again for her.
Wow- look how big I was!

We got married!
Well, technically, this was the end of 2010, but oh well. It was still a big moment. Even though we've been together for about 12 years it was special. Even if it happened in our kitchen. :)

And then she arrived...


We also had a big loss in our family. We lost Tom and Lucy in a matter of days.  I miss them everyday and still sometimes wait for Lucy to come running down the stairs or Tom to greet me at the door.  I think I'm still dealing with that.

We miss you Tomcat

I still miss this crazy dog

Other 2011 adventures:

- We took a trip home (Sophia had her first plane ride!) and she got to meet her crazy family
- C got a new job with normal hours 
- I'm finally back at work full time (although I wish I could stay home with the baby)
- C had his surgery

What a crazy, sad, and wonderful year it has been. Here's hoping for a happy, healthy and maybe not so eventful 2012!

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