Monday, November 15, 2010

*Not* trying not to get my hopes up

IUI #3 should be happening in a couple of weeks.  Everything feels very different this time. I don't feel as stressed or worried.  We are using a different donor and instead of taking Clomid, I'll be taking Femara, which has less side effects I'm told.  Everyone keeps telling me not to get my hopes up, but really that is impossible.  There is no way I can't get my hopes up.  If it doesn't work this time, I will be upset and I will cry.  These things are inevitable.  I think I stress myself out way more trying to stay "neutral".  So, I am done with staying "neutral" and am so excited for this IUI! I feel positive about it.  I also know that if it doesn't work, we can try again.  Cycle Day 1 should be around Thanksgiving.  Third times the charm right?

(via Google images)


Mary said...

Michelle, what a great attitude to have! Allowing yourself to experience the excitement and hope! I will say a prayer for you and Cary. Love you!

Kylee said...

I will keep my fingers crossed for you... emotionally you seem like you are in SUCH a better place... good luck girl... will be waiting for the results either way!!! STAY POSITIVE!!!

Tillie said...

Hope is a good thing...I have my FX for you and will be saying a prayer for you!