Monday, April 23, 2012

Vermont, I will miss you

If you don't know by now, we will be moving back to Ohio this summer.  I have such mixed feelings about it.  I am excited to be around family and old friends again, but I will miss Vermont. I'm not too fond of Ohio itself, (okay I don't like Ohio at all) but that's where our families are.

Vermont is a unique place and hard to describe.  So, here's a list (because I love lists) of what I will miss about Vermont:

  • The mountains- it's beautiful here, especially in the fall
  • Lake Champlain and the waterfront
  • Church Street 
  • All of the vegan and gluten free friendly restaurants 
  • It's progressive politics
  • The laid back vibe it has
I could go on and on. I'm hoping maybe we will move back here at some point.  I would love for Sophia to grow up here.  Right now though we don't have much choice but to move.  We've been here for 8 years now and it will be very hard to leave.  We'll miss you VT!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

7 months

Wow, I am a horrible blogger! It's been over a month since I've posted anything. Yeah.  So, Sophia is 7 months old! (actually closer to 8 now) Time does fly...

What's going on at 7 months:

  • teething, but still no teeth
  • she's in 6-9 month clothes, although the 6 months are getting small
  • rolling onto her stomach occasionally
  • almost sitting up by herself and can't stand lying down on her back
  • loves bouncing in her exersaucer
  • still doesn't sleep through the night
  • loves to read books with me
  • likes to sit in Starbucks and watch everyone
  • entertains us all the time