Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

8 and 9 months

I didn't realize that it had been 2 months since I've posted anything. But, life has been pretty hectic and crazy here.  Next week, Sophia and I will be on a new adventure moving back to Ohio, so we've been busy packing and such.  I missed posting her 8 and 9 month pictures and she just turned 10 months. I'm a little behind! Oops!

8 months

9 months

Monday, April 23, 2012

Vermont, I will miss you

If you don't know by now, we will be moving back to Ohio this summer.  I have such mixed feelings about it.  I am excited to be around family and old friends again, but I will miss Vermont. I'm not too fond of Ohio itself, (okay I don't like Ohio at all) but that's where our families are.

Vermont is a unique place and hard to describe.  So, here's a list (because I love lists) of what I will miss about Vermont:

  • The mountains- it's beautiful here, especially in the fall
  • Lake Champlain and the waterfront
  • Church Street 
  • All of the vegan and gluten free friendly restaurants 
  • It's progressive politics
  • The laid back vibe it has
I could go on and on. I'm hoping maybe we will move back here at some point.  I would love for Sophia to grow up here.  Right now though we don't have much choice but to move.  We've been here for 8 years now and it will be very hard to leave.  We'll miss you VT!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

7 months

Wow, I am a horrible blogger! It's been over a month since I've posted anything. Yeah.  So, Sophia is 7 months old! (actually closer to 8 now) Time does fly...

What's going on at 7 months:

  • teething, but still no teeth
  • she's in 6-9 month clothes, although the 6 months are getting small
  • rolling onto her stomach occasionally
  • almost sitting up by herself and can't stand lying down on her back
  • loves bouncing in her exersaucer
  • still doesn't sleep through the night
  • loves to read books with me
  • likes to sit in Starbucks and watch everyone
  • entertains us all the time

Monday, March 5, 2012

6 months

A little late...

She is half a year old already! Where has the time gone?

Sunday, January 29, 2012


I hate change.  I really, truly do.  Yet, since finding out I was pregnant my life has been nothing but full of changes.  So, here I am again embarking on more change.  Due to many health issues I've been having, I am leaving my job.  It is a mutual separation of sorts.  I have been missing so much work that I've used up all my sick time and it has been affecting work getting done.  It was a very hard decision to make. I love my job, the people I work with, and my boss is probably the best I've ever had.  I will hopefully get unemployment and have time to get healthy again.  After all of this, some more change might happen.  We may be moving back home to Ohio temporarily until we can get back on our feet financially.   While I know we'll love being around family again, leaving Vermont will be so hard.  We love it here and have made a life here  I hope we can come back at some point.  I'm trying not to dwell too much on all this change because if I do, I start to panic.  I need to keep telling myself we're doing this because it's what's best for us and Sophia.  I can't leave you without a Sophia picture, so here she is in her new exersaucer.  She loves it!  Her little legs can barely touch the bottom though!