So, the time's coming for us to start TTC again. I got my new blood work done Friday, so hopefully the results won't be too much worse than they were last year. The bad news is I don't think they have the same donor we used last year, so we'll have to pick another one. I'm getting excited though!
Oh yeah, C and I are getting married Wednesday night. Yes, I did just type that, and no I'm not kidding. We got our license last week and found a Justice of the Peace to do it. We're not having a ceremony or anything. If we were at home with our families we probably would, but really, I've never been a white dress/bridesmaids/flowers kind of girl anyway. The JOP is coming to our house for a short and sweet "ceremony". I'm sure it will happen amongst Lucy barking, and the cats crying for their food, so it won't be too boring. We're actually thinking of getting matching tattoos to honor the occasion. We can't do anything "normal" after all. After 10 years, it's about time we got married, right? :)
Congrats Michelle and Cary!!! And good luck with everything else!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!!!
Oh wow! Congratulations! That's wonderful!!
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